Tasks Actividades

Blog Archive

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cartoon Network

Tasks- Actividades
Cartoon network we do what we want
1.Time 0:00 to 0:14
Ver la capsula de video y leer el texto.
Watch the video podcast and read the script.
A man watches a lion in its cage.
The lion is feeding.
While a clown is blowing up a balloon for a boy.
2. Time 0:18 to 0:32
Ver la capsula y ordenar las siguientes frases.

Watch the video podcast and order the following phrases according to the sequence.
A - The clown is feeding.

B - While a boy is blowing up a balloon for a man.
C - Or a lion watches a clown in his cage.
3. Time 0:37 to 0:55
Ver la capsula de video y llenar los espacios en blanco.
Watch the video podcast and fill in the blanks.

Or maybe a ............ watches a ...... in his cage.
The ...... is feeding.
While a ....... is blowing up a ........ for a .........

1 comment:

  1. ok mr. william, I hope that you could help me to learn more english........
